Jewell Lee & Natalie Tribute

Jewell Lee & Natalie Tribute

* * * JEWELL LEE * * *

jewell lee500
Premier's Jewell Lee (Jewell Lee)

CH Jewell Lee and Lorene went to Westminster together in 2005.
"What a thrill to actually be there with this little three pound girl competing with the best.
This is also the year I met my good friends, Susan and Russell Garrett, who adopted Dexter."

View Jewell Lee's Pedigree

jewell lee westminster floorCH Jewell Lee Heading into Show Ring at Westminster

jewell Lee championCH Premier's Jewell Lee
Jewell Lee Being Awarded CHAMPIONSHIP
(Bobii Earle & Lorene were co-handlers)

lorene and arlene westminsterLorene & Arlene
Toasting at Westminster (After Showing Jewell Lee)

 * * * NATALIE * * *

Natalie500CH Premier's Natalie (Natalie)

Dogs are required to be champions before they can show at Westminster.  Natalie and I showed there in 2008. Judy Green drove from Delaware to Madison Square Gardens to be with us. Judy was also there to watch her male BIS BISS Champion Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir aka Vicar” win Best of Breed for the Pomeranians. Vicar is Natalie’s half brother, and he was definitely her claim to fame that day.

View Natalie's Pedigree

RazzleDazzleHeavenlyChoirVicarCH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir Vicar

natalie big coatNatalie Showing Off Her Big Coat

natalie bedNatalie Resting After Her Big Day